Join the movement to make abortion unthinkable and end the killing

Western Pro-Life Bootcamps

Calling all pro-life high school students to learn how to defend pre-born babies from abortion!

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Crash Course

Take a Crash Course with CCBR to get high calibre pro-life training and hands-on experience to bring back to your community.

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JVM at 2018 Toronto Crash Course
Abortion Awareness Project

Florida Abortion Awareness Project

Take a mid-winter getaway to Florida for a life-saving and life-changing experience.

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Apply for an internship position with CCBR to change hearts and minds and grow as a pro-life leader.

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PLWA "Choice" Chain

Pro-Life Week of Action

Are you in high school? Join us in Toronto for 4 days of pro-life training and outreach that you’ll never forget!

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Volunteer for Outreach

Get trained and give your time and energy to change hearts and minds and save the lives of pre-born children.

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"Choice" Chain

Book a Speaker

Bring pro-life education to your community with a CCBR speaker.

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Pro-Life Study Series

A 5-week video study series for your church community to get equipped to defend life in the womb.

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Pro-Life Study Series Promo