Thomas Clarkson’s question–and the answer that changed the world

There are moments in the lives of men and women that, in retrospect, shift the...

Do I even make a difference?

Another day of activism rises up before me. I’m about to go post-carding for three...

According to pro-aborts, even pictures of babies in the womb are “graphic images”

Pro-lifers uncomfortable with most forms of educational outreach often pinpoint their discomfort very specifically on...

A note to Maryam Monsef: Abortion is the number one weapon against girls worldwide Primary tabs

The last time cabinet minister Maryam Monsef made the news, the occasion was her bungled...

The media’s attack on the ultrasound fails the test of both history and science

It is common knowledge in the pro-life movement that the “pro-choice” media is, for the...

Consciousness and human rights

Depending on people’s backgrounds, some like to challenge the pro-life position on scientific grounds, others...

I can still picture it

Within a two hour “Choice” Chain, you can converse with a wide variety of people....

From an ultrasound technologist: the side I see

I put my probe down, find the head, then slide down to the bum. Fortunately, the baby is in a...

Cosmopolitan Magazine: We could see the end of legal abortion

As a rule, I’m happy when the folks over at Cosmopolitan are unhappy. And their...

If you want to see where the pro-life movement is winning, stop looking at politics

With a wave of bloody skirmishes between social conservatives and the rest of the so-called...