Jonathon Van Maren’s new book explaining the use of abortion victim photography—Seeing is Believing—has been welcomed eagerly by many in the pro-life movement. Those who have been curious as to why CCBR and others feel that the use of abortion victim photography is essential for making abortion unthinkable and others who have struggled with unanswered questions have turned to this book for answers. Veterans of the pro-life movement who have long recognized the importance of exposing injustice of abortion are calling this book definitive, excellent, comprehensive, and vital to the pro-life cause. Dr. Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, wrote this in a news email to her supporters: 

Here is the definitive book-treatment of the role and use of abortion victim photos in the pro-life cause.  

I really want to encourage you all to buy a copy of this very insightful treatment of a subject that continues to be debated in the movement!   

Your CPLS director is honored to have penned the preface—and also most honored that the cover photo was taken by your CPLS director. This photo is the foot of a 21 week old aborted baby—an African American baby killed in March 1987 at the Michigan Avenue Medical Center, 30 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL.  Members of CPLS and the Pro-life Action League retrieved this baby with 600 other aborted children tossed in the trash in the alley behind the clinic.  

Please buy this book—(see link below). It is endorsed by many nationally-known pro-life leaders.

You will find here the most important and compelling arguments as to why abortion victim photos are essential to the advancement of the cause of life.  

Indeed, your CPLS director who has taken thousands of photos of aborted babies, someone who has given the subject of the use of such photos in the defense of the unborn a great deal of thought—even I learned NEW PERSPECTIVES  from this book and was really blown away by author Jonathon Van Maren’s unique insights. 

God bless you all! Monica of CPLS

Click here to order Seeing is Believing:

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