This summer, over 60 CCBR interns and staff are bringing the truth about abortion to Canadian streets. These are the courageous men and women on the front lines of the Culture War!
Partner with us financially by supporting our Summer Internship Crowdfunding Campaign!

Natalya- 2-month Ontario Intern
“We can save the lives of those who can’t speak for themselves by showing people the reality of abortion.
I was inspired to do the summer internship after I finished the Pro-life Week of Action, and got to change some people’s minds but also seeing a little bit more of the reality of abortion and the grief it causes.”
Sarah – 2-month Ontario Intern
“I believe pro-life work is important because God places huge value on every human life regardless of their situation or age… we should do the same. Every human is an image bearer of God.”
Sophia – 2-month Ontario Intern
“Pro-life work is important because it saves lives, stands up against evil, and builds character.
A few things inspired me to do this summer internship, including attending a CCBR Boot-camp, encouragement from my friends, and God.”
Thomas – 2-month Alberta Intern
“I want to become a formidable pro-life apologist to engage people in a firm, loving, and compassionate way about the issue on a regular basis. I was inspired to do the internship while volunteering for CCBR. I realized that the higher frequency of conversations you have and the more training you have, the better the conversations tend to go. The internship allows for conversations and training almost every day.”
Zoe – 2-month Ontario Intern
“One of the largest genocides in the world is happening in our cities today. This work has the valuable opportunity to speak into the lives of people and potentially save children. Our culture today is so driven towards death, even when trying to avoid it, and people often forget the value of life at all stages. The value of life can not be found in this world but instead can only be found in Christ, who is the only true hope.”
For every four children born in this country, one is killed by abortion. Their silent screams can’t be heard, but their broken bodies can be seen. This is why Natalya, Sarah, Sophia, Thomas, and Zoe are joining our 60+ interns and staff on Canadian streets this summer, showing abortion victim photography and having conversations to change hearts and minds and save lives. Help us making abortion unthinkable in Canada by donating to CCBR’s Summer Internship Crowdfunding Campaign!