Abortion Myths: Is abortion safer than pregnancy and childbirth?

There are countless myths about abortion that are being presented as facts every single day....

Part I: How do abortion workers react to what they see?

“If abortion pictures are so effective,” some people point out, “why don’t abortionists change their...

Canadian nursing student sees prof burst into tears over aborted babies

I was not expecting to be emotional during my usual Friday morning lecture. Most of...

Sperm, Egg, and Embryo: What’s the Difference?

It was about -10° during a recent “Choice” Chain, and I didn’t expect anyone to...

Seeking acceptance: We are not the victims

I don’t see the expression on his face, but I can hear the smugness in...

Showing abortion victim photography is NOT hate speech

The photographic evidence of what abortion does to pre-born children is the most powerful tool...

Joyce Arthur’s victim-blaming—and a Canadian journalist explains free speech

I haven’t always agreed with Tasha Kheiriddin—most notably her past columns on the postcard campaigns...

Abortion Myths: Abortion is a human right

2017 saw what was likely the largest single-day demonstration in recorded American history. Organized in...

Abortion and Women: Pro-Choice Myths

To pro-choice advocates, abortion is a sacred right, freeing women from their bonds of oppression....

Using AVP: How is this a loving approach?

As evidenced by the previous posts in this series, the use of abortion victim photography...