Word from the street: What if her culture shames her?

I was at SAIT, a college in Calgary, Alberta with our team of volunteers and...

Why abortion activists believe ideology trumps science

For years, pro-life activists have been pointing out that the “pro-choice” ideology is a scientifically...

Using AVP: Is showing these images an act of violence?

As I watched the streams of people bursting out of the doors of Toronto’s Union...

Word from the street: Managing a Crowd

“Why are you in front of a high school, this is messed up!”  “Girls here...

5 reasons why you should NOT intern for CCBR

I had the opportunity to participate in a 4-month internship this past summer with CCBR....

Using AVP: Do the images disrespect the dead?

Many questions have been asked around the use of abortion victim photography (AVP). For example, don’t...

Causing guilt, not shame

One thing you realize while doing pro-life work is that everyone you encounter seems deeply...

Using AVP: Aren’t the images desensitizing?

One of the questions we are often asked about using abortion victim photography is regarding...

Seeing is Believing: A valuable resource for the pro-life movement

Jonathon Van Maren’s new book explaining the use of abortion victim photography—Seeing is Believing—has been...

A New Year’s Challenge

As we enter 2018, most people are making New Year’s Resolutions. For some, it’ll be...